Coconut Cheesecake

Coconut Cheesecake

Cheesecake Recipe


  • 300 g sable crumble
  • 50 g melted butter
  • 30 g coconut powder


  1. Mix the sable crumble, melted butter, and coconut powder until well combined.
  2. Press the mixture into an acetate-lined mold to form the base.
  3. Refrigerate until set.
Cheesecake Mix


  • 600 g cream cheese
  • 120 g icing sugar
  • 300 g whipping cream
  • 20 g gelatine
  • 160 g coconut purée (Bairon, room temperature)


  1. In a stand mixer with a paddle attachment, beat the cream cheese and icing sugar slowly until smooth.
  2. Soak the gelatine in cold water for a few minutes, then melt it in the microwave.
  3. Mix the coconut purée with the melted gelatine until combined.
  4. Incorporate the coconut-gelatine mixture into the creamed cheese mixture.
  5. Gently fold in the whipping cream until the mixture is smooth and airy.


  1. Pour the cheesecake mix over the sable base, smoothing it evenly.
  2. Freeze at -18°C for about 6 hours until fully set.
  3. Decorate the cheesecake with chocolate and fresh coconut slices.
  4. Serve chilled, around 4–5°C.
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