Hazelnut Soufflé

Hazelnut Soufflé

Hazelnut Soufflé Recipe
Hazelnut Crémeux Base


  • 500 g hazelnut paste (“Nocciole d’Elite”)
  • 650 g full milk
  • 65 g corn flour


  1. Heat the hazelnut paste and milk together.
  2. Mix the corn flour with cold milk and add it to the mixture.
  3. Bring to a boil and cook for 5 minutes, stirring constantly.
  4. Cover with cling film on contact to prevent a skin from forming.
  5. Portion into vacuum bags by 1 kg and store.
Hazelnut Praline


  • 1.5 kg raw hazelnuts (“Nocciole d’Elite”)
  • 1 kg caster sugar
  • 240 g water
  • 10 g fleur de sel


  1. Make a syrup by heating the water and sugar to 116°C.
  2. Preheat the hazelnuts at 180°C for 4 minutes.
  3. Add the hazelnuts to the syrup, stir, and caramelize them.
  4. Cool the caramelized hazelnuts and mix with fleur de sel in a food processor until smooth.
Hazelnut/Fleur de Sel Praline Insert


  • 800 g hazelnut praline
  • 400 g full milk


  1. Blend the hazelnut praline and milk until smooth.
  2. Mold the mixture into half-spheres (3 cm in size) and freeze.
  3. Unmold and store in a box until needed.
Soufflé Mix


  • 1 kg Hazelnut Crémeux base
  • 15 g potato starch
  • 80 g full milk
  • 670 g egg whites
  • 420 g caster sugar


  1. In a food processor, mix the Crémeux with starch and milk to create a smooth cream.
  2. Whisk the egg whites with sugar until shiny and soft peaks form.
  3. Gently fold 1/3 of the egg whites into the Crémeux, then fold this mixture into the remaining egg whites.
  4. Pipe a layer of the mixture into prepared molds, add the praline insert, and fill to the top.
  5. Smooth the top and run your thumb around the mold edge for even rising.
Preparing the Molds


  1. Brush molds with clarified butter and coat with caster sugar.
  2. Mold size: diameter 9 cm, height 6.5 cm.


  1. Defrost in the microwave for 1 minute 50 seconds at 20% power.


  1. Bake at 170°C with 50% humidity for 10 minutes 30 seconds.
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